Creating Sacred Space to Enhance Your Magic

My Current Sacred Space as it is set up with crystals and beads
My current sacred space set up with crystals and beads.
My current sacred space

Sacred is a word I didn’t realize I would be using at all when I was younger, even 15 years ago. Why the hell would I need sacred space? My life was just fine.

My life was not just fine, I was losing myself. I didn’t realize how far down the rabbit hole or the highway to hell, whatever you’d like to call it, my life had been. When someone told me that I needed to create sacred space, I balked. How was I going to do that with the life I had led? I will tell you now that sacred space is in most of my life.

Why would you want sacred space?

We need to claim our space for ourselves, no matter who we are. We could be in a marriage that is wonderful and have everything we need but we still need to make sure we create space for ourselves, and the most successful people may not say they have created sacred space but they have.

Whether you are an experienced Reiki practitioner with your own office or just a normal person walking the path of life, creating sacred space can help you feel yourself, which many of us have a difficult time accomplishing. We can bring in our own power, our own magic and really step into the magic that is us! We can feel more powerful, more confident, more ready to take on this path of life.

The Steps:

Here are some steps you can take to make your space sacred to you.

  • Decide on the boundaries of your space. You may have just a bit of space that you can be in and be quiet, which may be part of your bedroom or a different room, or you may have your own home. I suggest even if it is all your home, make a space that is easy to manage and keep clean for feeling your own power. I love caves, so mine would be in the basement and be about 10 feet by 10 feet.
  • Gather things that you love and make you feel in your power. This may be stones, symbols, statues, jewelry, sigils, prayers, lights, colors or anything else that you may need. Put them in a place of reverence. My sacred space now is the guest room in my friend’s home. My altar is on her safe and it includes pixie dust so that I can connect more easily to the fairy realm. Go as wild or as meek as matches you. It can also all be natural things straight from the outdoors!
  • Decide on the spirits you would like to have helping you at the time. Everything is connected, so you need not overthink…I’m reminding myself as well as you. Different spirits may like different things. If you’re wanting help from your ancestors, use pictures or belongings of theirs. If you’re after the help of angels or Jesus you may want a certain candle. My candle and my song invite the energy of Mother Mary because I’d like a soft, motherly sacred feminine. And just a reminder, they all mix in my experience.
  • Use your tools to make your boundary, clear your space and invite in the energy you are seeking. There are so many different ways to do this, including smudge, essential oils, chimes, crystal or brass bowls, or calling in the quarters.
  • Perform your ritual. Make it your own so that you are empowering your SELF! Always empower yourself. Never bring in anything that would take over your energy, including another human. Always keep your own power and strength and never give it up to anyone or anything else.

These are all guidelines for you, as usual. We all need guidance at times but we also need to take over and make things our own after a time. Always keep your space clean and bright.

A few recommendations:

We want to walk in the light and keep the light around us. This keeps us in an upbeat, better mood and makes our lives easier. Keeping your space clean and bright helps with this.

We invite spirits in rather than conjuring. We don’t want to do anything that goes against anyone else’s free will. Conjuring or invoking a spirit is going against it’s will and brings in darkness.

If you feel like you need to use a spirit board of any sort for your answers, PLEASE make sure you create a sacred circle first and then take down the circle when you are finished. You can use the words, “I now take down this circle thanking every spirit who came to assist.”

