What are Chakras?

7 Chakras are lined up across a rainbow colored evening sky background

By this point in your spiritual journey, you’ve probably heard about Chakras.  Many people use this term loosely to mean any energy point in your body; however, there are 7 main energy centers that most traditional energy workers pay attention to when practicing energy work.

It’s important to know these energy centers and how they impact both your physical and spiritual body.  Before we delve into the basics of each chakra and how to personally understand the energy of YOUR body, we’ll first look at the history of chakras.


The history of chakras is very ancient and very murky.  While the first written texts about chakras date back to 1500 and 500 BC, it’s believed that they were passed down through an oral tradition much earlier than that.  A resurgent of eastern beliefs started spreading in the western world in the 20th century.  While some of these beliefs really took off during the 1960’s and 1970’s, they seemed to slow down again in the 1980’s and early 1990’s.  We’re once again starting to see a world wide awaken and growth of spiritual beliefs, eastern traditions, and holistic health practices, including chakras!

Where Are my Chakras?


Your root chakra starts at the base of your spine near the area of your tailbone.  It’s associated with the color red and deals with your safety and security, as well as your family and social belonging.  This chakra is all about making sure you are, at a base level, comfortable in your surroundings.


Your sacral chakra is located along your spine above your root chakra – in the area of your body just below your navel.  It’s associated with the color orange and mostly deals with your creativity, control, and relationships with others.  The sacral chakra can therefore transcend into your work life (work relationships, money, power) and your sexuality.

Solar Plexus

The Solar Plexus chakra is located just above your naval in the pit of your stomach.  It is associated with the color yellow and is connected to your gut instinct.  Many times people will feel uneasy in the pit of their stomach and say their gut instinct was telling them something or that they should have listened to their gut instinct.  This all revolves around your solar plexus chakra.  Because we tend to get these gut feelings about things that go against who we are or who we perceive ourselves to be, the solar plexus chakra can also deal with our self-esteem, self-image, and our personality.


The heart chakra is located along the spine in the area of your body that would be the middle of your chest.  It’s associated with the color green and you guessed it – it’s associated with love and compassion!


Your Throat chakra is located in your throat just above your clavicle.  It’s associated with the color blue and deals with your voice and self-expression.  If you’re feeling like your voice or self expression is stifled, you may feel like you’re not living your truth or following your dream any longer.  Having a balanced throat chakra can help you to express yourself in all forms, whether it be your physical voice or even your actions by following your dreams.

Third Eye

The Third Eye Chakra is often associated with the location of your pineal gland, located in the middle of your head, just above your eyebrows.  It’s recognized by the color indigo and deals with intellect, being open-minded, and trusting the bigger picture in life.


Your crown chakra is located just above the top of your head, like a crown.  It’s associated with the color violet or purple and deals with all of your body’s spiritual needs.  Whether you call it spirituality, awareness, enlightenment, or shedding the ego, the crown chakra is your connecting point to source energy.

Personally Understanding the Energy of YOUR Chakras

Now that you know what the chakras are and what they are associated with, you may be wondering how to better understand YOUR chakras.  Some people are more energetically aware and can tell when things are off with their own chakras.  Some people are energetically aware and can only read others. 

There are several techniques to get in touch with your chakras, but the easiest one is to just listen to your body.  When you have that gut instinct, TRUST IT.  When you have that ache in your chest after a breakup, let your body feel it.  And when you feel like you’re not following your dreams in life, start to follow them.  By listening to your own body daily, you’ll begin to balance your chakras by having a better relationship with yourself.

Taking Care of Your Chakras

For many people sensing their own chakras is kind of like wearing cologne or perfume – you become so used to it being there that you don’t really smell it on yourself throughout the day unless you turn a certain way.  You become nose blind to it.  It’s my belief that this is what happens to a lot of people with sensing their chakras, along with many other spiritual gifts.  They’re there, you just forget how to sense them or use them because your body is so used to them just being there.

Looking for more ways to connect with your chakras or further step into your magic?  Contact me to see how I can be of service.  Want to see my work in action?  Come find me at one of my upcoming events, and Let Marcia Colver take your spiritual journey to Enlightened Heights!
